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SP4 Morris Mock


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Company area at Quan Loi. Right: Kit Carson Scout.


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Departure ceremony in the company area for company 1st sergeant MSG Earl E. "Top" Haney (right). Left: SSG Bob Kohlhafer. 2nd from left Jim Miller (Dud), 5th from left Roger Atkinson. others unknown.


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L: Bob Kohlhafer, C: Top Haney


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MSG Earl Haney


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C: Top Haney, 2nd from right: Joe Braden, far right: Bob Kohlhafer. far left is Tom Cocker 3rd platoon, 2nd from left Jim Miller (Dud), just to the right of Top Haney is Roger Atkinson, 2nd to the right of top Haney is Michael Alongi (Gator). The tallest man standing in the back next to the tree is Jerry Reeves of 3rd. plt.

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